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Eagle pose

Eagle pose (Garudasana)

Eagle pose
From Mountain pose
As you inhale, bring your arms out to the side
Take your left arm beneath your right arm in fronto of you
Slowly wrapping your hands around and touching palms together
If you can get your hands all the way around, you can hold your finger
Shift your weight to your right leg
Slightly bend your right knee and lift yoru left leg
and cross it over your right leg, wrap it around
You can also hook your left toe around in back of your right calf,
hugging your legs together
Inhale lift your elbows and exhale shoulders are down
and bend your right knee little bit more and sink in to hips
Hold for several breaths
Slowly release out
Shake your legs and switch to the other side

・Strengtherns the calves and the thighs
・Releases the stiff shoulder and the neck tention
・Improves balance
・Improve digestion and circulation


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